
セッション1 チアスコアリングシステムについてのお詫び

  • Dear coaches,


    Thank you so much for competing with JAMfest JAPAN vol.21 this past weekend.


    We really enjoyed your performance and hope the athletes really had a great time with us.


    In session 1, as announced during the event, we had a scoring system error that switched to last season’s rubric, which resulted in lowering the max score in the certain sections.


    We ensured that we used the same rubric to all the teams other than the Open division to keep fairness in scoring.


    We sincerely apologize for what happened and appreciate your understanding and cooperations to run the competition smoothly.


    For future events, we will work closely with the IT department to avoid technical issues.  And incorporate a system with our IT staff standing by in the US for immediate trouble shooting as needed.


    Again, we truly regret what happened in the scoring system and make sure this will never happen in the future Japan events.


    Thank you and we look forward to seeing you again in the next JAMfest JAPAN.


    Varsity Spirit

    JAMfest Japan






    このたびはJAMfest JAPAN vol.21にご出場いただき誠にありがとうございました。












    重ねましてこのたびのスコアリングシステムエラーにつきお詫び申し上げます。今後のJAMfest JAPANにおいて同じことが起こらぬよう徹底してまいります。


    また次回JAMfest JAPANでお会いできますことを心待ちにしています。



    Varsity Spirit

    JAMfest JAPAN